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Welcome to the SSPA Beauty Blog Live!

Welcome to the SSPA Beauty Blog Live!

My name is Deborah Otten and I have taken on the role of blogger for the Salon & Spa Professional Association team. While I am excited for this new responsibility, I am also a little nervous. Those of you reading this post please send me feedback (positive or negative, I am a big girl… really) and maybe an idea or two for future postings.

In my tenure in the salon industry in Minnesota, I have had many people ask why I belong to a professional organization…

Why belong to SSPA? Or simply put: “What’s in it for me?”

  1. As a licensed salon professional, we owe it to our clients to stay informed on current styles, trends, topics and issues affecting my ability to serve them. Learning about the latest styles, business tips and the “next big thing” keep you current in the ever changing salon industry. SSPA holds local events, (for the licensed professionals only) offering the latest product information, continuing education, fashion shows and more to hair, skin and nail technicians.

Visit to learn more. Even better yet, members, log in to your profile to learn more about the benefits you receive!

  1. Speaking of continuing education, SSPA offers classes and seminars to help us further our careers. Currently being offered are the 38 Hour Instructor course, the 4 Hour Health, Safety, Sanitation, Laws and Rules course (needed for re-licensing), Instructor Teaching Methods Seminars, with more courses being added all the time. Small classes sizes and professional, knowledgeable instructors are great for the adult learner.
  2. As a licensed salon professional, I want to be informed about what is happening in my career field. How many of you realize that in 2013 the state of Minnesota was toying with the idea of placing a sales tax on our services. Yes, in essence, raising our prices with no direct benefit to us. Ok, the money raised could be used for roads, I get it. But do I want that money raised on the backs of my/our clients? I didn’t see that as fair.

SSPA informed me of the issue and asked for my help. I contacted my local state representative several times and helped “stop the madness”. Thank you SSPA.

  1. SSPA can save you money. They have partnered with insurance companies and financial institutions offering professional discounts on the services needed to run a successful business in the state of Minnesota. Who doesn’t want to save money?
  2. Professional networking in 2014 is an absolute must. Surround yourself with other like-minded professionals and learn about their best practices, marketing and business building tips, brainstorm with other business owners to create a more profitable business or work through a work-related challenge. Your fellow members are wealth of practical information you can use to build your business.
  3. Savings programs like AchieveLinks that saves you money on things you buy and collect links to use on other purchases or even to pay your SSPA dues!
  4. This year members can attend INSalon2014 and America's Beauty Show 2015 FREE! (registration deadlines and restrictions may apply). Thank you Cosmetologists Chicago for offering this great benefit!

That’s my short list for membership in SSPA and, yes, I am a believer. You may have others reasons, if you care to share them with me, please do. I may have missed your favorite.

So, to answer the question. Why do I belong to the Salon & Spa Professional Association? That's an easy.

After I became licensed, I was introduced to SSPA. I quickly understood the benefits and opportunities available within and throughout  the organization. Networking, idea sharing, classes and continuing education to name a few. Through SSPA I have become a certified competition judge, am just finished my licensed instructor education through SSPA and have found endless opportunities to grow in my career. And a lot of great friends!

Until next time,

Deborah Otten is a Licensed Esthetician, Instructor, Salon Coach, Retail Expert, SSPA Health, Safety, Sanitation, Laws & Rules for Relicensure Trainer and Certified Competition Judge and Beauty Blogger.

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Comments on "Welcome to the SSPA Beauty Blog Live!"

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Karrie Hansen - Monday, April 01, 2019

Nice article Deborah. Same reasons I am a member. We must keep the integrity of our profession at the forefront, and being an active member has helped me to understand that things I have taken for granted, like deregulation of services is a real thing happening across the nation. Scary that they are chipping away at it here in Minnesota.

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